This is my garden

This is my garden. At least the garden it was, in the late spring of 2005. The two of us have been conspiring since then about all the great things we will do, and this summer will be the time to do it.

A brief history of the garden: in 2005 we were first getting acquainted. It was the year of discovery. There are parts I hate, and parts I love. There are too many evergreens, not enough perennials, and according to the one who mows, especially too much lawn. The biggest effort of the year involved the demolition of a hazardous deck, re-leveling the land for drainage reasons, and installing a patio. That was enough!

When 2006 came around, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. I moved a few herbs from the windowsill to a planter, and put in a few carrots, too. I also got most of the weeds under control, after 2005's internal conversation: "is that a plant? Is it a weed? Maybe I'll let it grow a bit more... oops, it WAS a weed!"

This year, I'm feeling much more ambitious. Plans are in motion, and briefings will occur in the next few weeks.

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